Saturday, February 23, 2008

There are two things I remember vividly from my college nutrition class. One: exercise is the biggest component of the "wellness" wheel, beating out genetics and even, yes, healthy eating. Two: eating lots of fiber is essential, and breakfast is the perfect time to consume a bunch of it. Oh yeah, and I just remembered one more thing I learned: even professors of nutrition feed their kids Krispy Kremes occasionally, so don't beat yourself up about indulging occasionally (I don't).

But back to the fiber thing. I'm pretty sure this professor mentioned AT LEAST once a day that the most important meal of the day is the best time to get in as much fiber as possible. She apparently practiced what she preached, as she also liked to recommend various high-fiber cereals that helped her start her day off right.

I'd like to think that she'd be proud of me. I was searching the internet for some sort of "breakfast cookie" to take to our class at church tomorrow morning, and I came across this recipe for "Hearty Breakfast Cookies." With 1/2 a cup of wheat germ, whole wheat flour AND oats, I think we have a real breakfast winner. ALMOST as good as Krispy Kremes!